Clases de Ingles - Trabaja con nosotros

To be a teacher

100% satisfaction guarantee. Earn money by sharing your knowledge with students. Sign up to get started with online tutoring with Speaking.

⚫ Find new students

⚫ Grow your business

⚫ Receive your payments without risks

To be a teacher
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We do NOT send spam or newsletters. We respect your privacy.
Your email account will NOT be shared with anyone.


Although it is not essential, we value qualifications, experience and flexible hours. We are looking for tutors who enjoy teaching and conversing.

You must have a computer with a webcam, microphone and a good internet connection.

Your income will increase depending on the number of students and the number of classes arranged. The evaluations you get from your students for your work will encourage others to want to take their classes with you. You set the price per hour and we charge a commission that you can see in the following table:

Classes Commission
1 - 10 Classes 30%
11 - 20 Classes 25%
21 - 40 Classes 20%
40+ Classes 15%

You must fill in the form (link) in which, in addition to your contact information, you must include a brief description about yourself, your experience, qualifications, motivations, etc. We will study your application and respond to you as soon as possible to arrange an interview.